Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Needs Assessment Study

Operational Systems Assessment

Needs Assessment Study 

EPV offers several helpful services to assist the transit agency in assessing its organization and developing the detail requirements for an ITS system.

An agency in the process of developing their ITS system to better serve their community or region often may require assistance from an outside resource.  It is their mission to provide and maintain an efficient ITS system, yet they may not have the system engineering expertise required to determine their needs and manage the system implementation.  One of the various services, provided by EPV for transit agencies, is a complete Needs Assessment Study.  We often start by identifying operational needs and reviewing organization goals and objectives.  Our study includes identifying the agency’s transit management system requirements as well as needs for reporting and billing.  During this study, we also review all “on-board vehicle” hardware/software component needs and required interfaces between the dispatch center, the vehicle and the passenger.  EPV follows a disciplined set of activities during the assessment process where we begin to prioritize hardware and software requirements and research any new technology being introduced into the industry.

As we move through the assessment process, we continue to conduct on-site meetings and telephone interviews for gathering data and information related to current transportation operations and services.  We spend time to understand the agency’s in-place transportation processes and policies. From information gathered, we analyze and document all findings and determine the agency’s proposed ITS solutions.  At the conclusion of the Needs Assessment, the agency can expect to have a thorough understanding of their current transportation system operations and proposed solutions as documented in a Concept of Operation.

System Perspective - Concept of Operations (ConOps)

The Concept of Operations (ConOps) provides the transit agency a high-level description of their current transportation operations, and processes and a proposed ITS architecture.  Any goals, established during the Needs Assessment or identified during regional planning are considered during the development of the agency’s proposed ITS Architecture.  This schematic diagram represents a sample agency ITS system described in the Concept of Operations document and provides the framework for developing an integrated transportation system.  The typical list of components would include Transit Management software using Geographic Information System (GIS) and MDD/AVL Unit Onboard Vehicle, Electronic Fare Boxes, etc.

System Requirement Specification (SRS)

The Concept of Operations provides the foundation for the ITS System Requirement Specifications (SRS).  The objective of this process is to have clear and documented ITS System Requirements.  These requirements will be critical for all project phases, including Procurement and Project Implementation.  The SRS will include the following sections:

  Interfaces required – System, User, Hardware, Software, Communications
  System functions
  Operating environment requirements
  Security requirements

Operational Systems Assessment (OSA)

Implementing an ITS system establishes quick benefits to the efficient operation of an agency’s scheduling and dispatching process. The system offers so much content that there is seldom enough time, during implementation, for an agency to absorb its total advantages.  As time passes, human nature allows us to slip into processes that do not always maximize the systems capabilities. Periodic assessment of the agency’s processes and effective utilization of their system can pay big dividends.

One of the various services, provided by EPV, is an Operational System Assessment.  We evaluate the use of the agency’s system and compare its effectiveness to their original organizational goals and policies.  We then identify where the agency excels and where we feel improvement can be made.  The agency may also relay issues that require ours or the system vendor's attention and could very easily be resolved.  Similar to the Needs Assessment process, EPV follows a systematic set of activities during the OSA process including creating and distributing a survey to the user of the system.  The survey is designed to provide insight into how the system is being utilized as well as the user’s opinion and overall satisfaction.

As we move through the OSA process, we continue to observe how the users interact with the system as well as what functionality/modules are used.  We assess how the system is currently configured and review the current transportation operational processes.  At the conclusion of this set of services the agency can expect to have a thorough, documented understanding of their current system operation.  They will also receive a set of recommendations provided in our ”Operational System Report”.